Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hello, my name is Amanda. I am a second-year masters student at Columbia University, and I specialize in late Qing/Republican-era Chinese history. I am studying Japanese in order to utilize Japanese-language secondary source materials concerning Chinese history. So far, I am having a bit of trouble learning the hiragana, as I'm more accustomed to square Chinese characters, and my handwriting is not refined enough to handle all of the curves! I'm looking forward to getting to kanji...


  1. I agree...all of my hiragana look like wilted kanji :(

  2. Just think of this way, when you can get those curves right and are able to read and write all the hiragana perfectly (err, unless its just me now who cant do that?), you will be able to say you know ALL the characters there is to know in Hiragana & Katakana! Thats almost learning 1 complete language! =)
